Long/Last Days

On Thursday we left the CCAP guest house just after dawn here, approximately 6am. We were headed for the South Lualanga national park. Approximately 6-7 hours away. In actual time, after a few breaks and some very difficult roads we arrived at our destination in just under 9 hours. This is all taken in stride with our hosts and the team has also adjusted well to the reality of delays.

Thursday evening we were able to go on a game drive. With high expectations and some excitement we headed into the park across the South Luangwa river! Instantly we were greeted by monkeys and baboons. The foliage was very green and lush. Sometimes inhibiting our view. It had rained heavily prior to our drive, this made for lots of water on roadways along with muddy potholes. We didn’t see much until it got dark, but then we were able to see elephants, hyenas, wild dogs, and some giraffes at a distance.

 Friday morning we went on a 2nd drive and we’re not disappointed with several highlights along the way. 

Currently at 11:30 am local time we’re sitting at the Mfuwe International airport. The team is in good spirits and excited to begin the journey home. We give thanks for all He’s done on this trip and His constant protection. We also thank CCAP staff has our hosts and the kindness & gentleness they showed each of us and looked after our in country needs !!

We don’t say good bye but we say Tizzamowananaso !! ❤️❤️

Hope 2023 


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