First day on the job

Today started off a little more normal. We had an 8:00 breakfast (oatmeal, eggs and peanut butter sandwich’s), all very delicious.

Immediately after eating, Collins gave us a tour of part of the compound while our bus was having a bath and being readied for our first trip to the worksite.

When we arrived at the school site (a 45 minute ride on a bumpy, red dirt path), we were greeted by a host of children, teachers, officials and community headsmen. They cheered for us as we pulled up. They proceeded to present us with a full 2 1/2 hours of ceremony that included speeches, songs, dances and gift giving from both sides. We gave them some soccer balls, and in return we received a live chicken and a bag of pumpkin leaves. These gifts came back to the guest house with us. Some on the bus we’re growing attached to the chicken which became known as Henrietta and now we’re not sure how we’re going to eat our new pet.

After the ceremony and lunch, our work began and quite a bit was accomplished on our first day - we’ll see if we can keep up that pace for the next several days. The work must have exhausted our team leader. Jerry thought he’d take a little nap in the bus on the ride home. When the bus zigged, he zagged, bumped his head a good one the side window but was too groggy to know what even happened.

We concluded the day back at the guest house with supper, a devotional and some singing. Our guest singer was Brian Doerksen (a different one than most are aware of).

All in all, a great day filled with God’s blessings.

Allan Doerksen


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