Running on Empty

We wake each morning to a breakfast of eggs and oatmeal. 

The first thing on the agenda today after breakfast is another CCAP school visit. This time it is to Mphamba School where we met the acting head teacher, Mr. Mbewe. A kind gentlemen that welcomed us to the school of over 400 learners. In appreciation, we presented them with a small gift - a soccer ball. 

After this, it was back to the job site. But enroute, our Toyota Land Cruiser just died on the side of the road. Now what to do? It could be this, could be that. Who knows?! So our driver (Emanuel), turns the key again and the motor sputters just long enough for us to get turned around and then dies again. He decides to let it coast down the road which has just enough downgrade to it to keep us moving. We literally coast about a 1/4 mile in neutral with the pull of gravity being our only source of propulsion. We were moving along as silently as a Tesla. As we came up to a gas station on the right, Emanuel cranked the steering wheel with all his might, rolled silently up to a fuel pump, fueled ‘er up and we were back in business. We all had a good laugh and were relieved that there was nothing to be fixed. 

Back at the job site, we met up with a local wood craftsman who sold us some of his goods so that we could take them back home as souvenirs. 

The rain showers returned for the afternoon to cool us all off while we painted interior school walls a bright yellow. 

We ended the day back at the guest house for a cold shower, hot supper and meaningful devotions. 



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