The Last Day of Work

Today is Wednesday. It’s the last day we will be heading to Mzuluwa Primary School.

The hope is we can complete numerous jobs and leave feeling satisfied with what we’ve accomplished. Before the jobs can be completed, we take a 45 minute trip to the school. The drive takes us through countless potholes, washouts, dips, holes, cracks and almost any other hazard that will rattle our teeth and compress our spines. On the way we were able to capture a picture of two Brahmas pulling a plow. To see a tractor in the community would have been unusual.

When we arrive at the school we have a limited amount of time to complete our tasks. We are going to paint doors , door jams, window trim and baseboards. These will be our last tasks at the school.

In the early afternoon a meeting is held to say goodbye to the co-impact team. It is attended by school children, teachers, the community and its leaders. Speeches are held, dances are danced and songs sung. Pictures are the last order of the day and then goodbyes are said to the people we’ve come to know and appreciate in the last 10 days.

We head back to the CCAP compound where we will relax, have supper, and pack our bags for an early departure tomorrow.



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