Celebrating accomplishments

Another new day meant more experiences to add to our collection! We traveled to the school which is a 45 min car ride. It's really heartwarming to see children waving more and more as they become familiar with us. Today, we started painting the classroom walls white and the window frames turquoise. The surprising part is how fast we were able to add a second coat of paint. We also helped them with building the roof of a safe room to store their important school documents (picture with man in rubber boots). After a needed rest for lunch, it began to rain, and for the next 20 minutes it was quite the downpour! We were really glad we had a tin roof and concrete floor to stand on. Unfortunately, some of the locals who were going about their daily business were caught in it. 

We were invited to attend a celebration for the achievements of the teachers of Kabinda secondary school.  They received an award for having the top pupils in the district.  We enjoyed a meal of barbecued chicken and steak with sides of small potatoes and coleslaw.  There was plenty of food!  However, we discovered in that culture that if there is food prepared, you have to eat!  That day we had 4 meals because a second supper had been prepared at the CCAP guest house where we are staying. All in all a productive day! From my perspective, not having reliable Wifi has definitely been an interesting journey…not all bad!



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