Zambian Sunday of Worship

Sunday was filled with 2 worship services, one in English with a splash of Tumbuka & 1 in Tumbuka with a bit of English. Both services had amazing singing & praise by various praise groups & also the congregation. Our group along with Collins also sang 2 songs.

The second service twas at Kanele prayer house, this is Collins home church. Allan D. Had prepared the message upon request. He spoke on Daniel 6, the familiar story of Daniel in the lions den. He also used a passage from Psalm 37:3-5 that instructed us to trust in the Lord & also to delight in him. There was a local lady that translated as he spoke or sometimes she was able to read his notes & almost translate ahead of him. They both did a terrific job!! Jacob P. also participated by praying a blessing on their collection.

After lunch we went to Keystone School and visited with Philemon& Gladys. There was several teachers including the head teacher who gave us a tour of the premises along with the chapel. After we sat in a circle and shared words of encouragement with each other. Some stories of going through difficulties & by Gods Grace be able to come through & see the good that has followed difficulty.Gladys had prepared some good food to enjoy has well. It seems we never lack anything to eat on this trip.

On our way back we spent some time at a ministry that Collins has started on called “Hope in Action”. It is a grinding mill for corn. The goal is to mill corn for house holds & use the hulls or bran for livestock feed. The goal is to teach youth a skill & also give them meaningful employment.

In the end our day was full, and everyone was feeling the long week and looking forward to some rest.

God is Faithful and to Him be the Glory for all He has done,

Hope 2023


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