RCS Dominican Republic 2024 - Team Members

RCS Dominican Republic 2024 - Team Members

The RCS Dominican Republic 2024 Team has been selected and we are very excited to be preparing to serve God in being obedient to his call. The DR Missions Team is actively preparing for our Missions trip in the spring. We will be meeting together every week, as well as various evenings throughout the year to prepare and to pray.

Please add us to your prayer list for the coming months of preparation and for the trip dates of April 5 – April 15, 2024.

We will try to add pictures and messages during the trip, but may not be able to update it frequently, if at all, depending on our internet connection in the DR.

Thank you so much!

Melissa Flores

Team Members

Grade 11s and 12s - Team 1: 

Riley Yoo

Madison Bogress

Jon Chen

Clayton Ng

Franklin Mu

Brodie Tse

Elisa Wang

Hannah Chu

Chelsea Chan

Mikayla Ong

Mavis Kam

Emma Su

Maraya So

Valerie Li

Grade 11s and 12s - Team 2: 

Amanda Helms

Rachel Helms

Sophia Wilson

Kiarra Baiza

Annika Wong-Moon

Kaitlyn Chui

Vanessa Chen

Keiyshia Ting

Hannah Burns

Will Nicolas

Jonathan Moi

Hayden Shum

Claire Chiang

Keira Uy


Mr. Sijpheer ([email protected]), 

Mr. Provan ([email protected]), 

Mrs. Flores ([email protected]

and Mrs. Memmott ([email protected])

Our goal is to:

  • develop a mission consciousness in each team member so that they would have the heart of Christ for the lost and the compassion of Christ for those in need.
  • give opportunity for the Lord Jesus to work:
  • in each team member ‘s heart.
  • through each team member.
  • in the hearts of those ministered to.
  • experience the culture of a developing nation and increase in understanding the role of the body of Christ in that society.
  • develop an understanding of God’s calling to missions in personal career and ministry planning.


Some areas in which we will serve:

  • Work projects, construction, etc.
  • Children’s ministry
  • Evangelism and home visits



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