Sun. Apr. 14

Today was our last day in the Doninican Republic. We woke up to a beautiful sunny day, and a delicious breakfast of sausages, toast, and eggs with peppers. Afterwards, we headed to the market. It was a new experience to see how the vendors interact with foreigners. The market was full of handmade crafts and lots of souvenirs. We spent around an hour in the market and headed to the beach afterwards. At the beach we saw a very wide array of different people gathering under the sun to have some relaxed fun. Overall it was a really fun day to explore and interact with the locals and to learn about their culture. As this was the ending to our trip, I feel that I have learned a lot and that this trip has really changed me by opening my eyes to the world from the perspective of those who are less privileged. God has shown me the obvious message of being grateful for the opportunities and blessings I have in my life, but I have also learned to be still in the Lord and to know He is Lord in all places at all times and though our circumstances may see us in situations where it would seem bleak, we can find our joy and strength in God and His promise.

Written by Valerie Li

Hi! Today we went to the market and I was searching for many bracelets and necklaces. Afterwards, we went to the beach where we got to play in the water and enjoy the last day of our beautiful trip. However, something I had trouble with during this trip was adjusting to the different environment because it was definitely a surprise when I first got to the living environment at Juan Calvino and the heat was not making it any better. On the second day, I had gotten quite sick in the morning after breakfast and after a long needed nap, I felt healthy enough to go out and work and I think that was the most significant thing on this whole trip.

I believe that God healed me and wanted me to work and connect with the kids on this trip and I am so grateful for it. I made so many deep relationships with the children and could feel how much they loved and appreciated that I was there. They were extremely patient, kind and fun to be around especially when they made me bracelets and played basketball with me. Not only do I believe that God and I impacted their lives with someone to connect with and trust on but I believe that these children impacted me and created a sense of comfort. They understand people and are inclusive and are always in the moment and this changed my perspective about others in how we must approach others with kindness and love because you never know how much this would impact a life. 

After multiple talks and devotions about stepping out of our comfort zone, I had understood that I did in fact step out of my comfort zone in creating so many meaningful relationships and in new experiences and cultures because of how hard I had found it to leave Juan Calvino and Apocolypsis and I will never forget the people and the significant impact they have made in my life and the hopes that God has changed theirs for the best as well. So summary? LOVE and never stop loving, include others and do that small deed even if you don’t think much of it since kindness goes a long way :) BYE!!❤️

Written by Emma Su

Our trip to the Dominican Republic has changed in that our focus has changed from missions work at different schools, to a more tourist like visit. We have moved into a nicer place with better living conditions. On Saturday we ent to the Colonial Zone and visited several shops. Today, we went to a market and gained new experiences. We learned that at Dominican markets, one must always bargain the price. The sellers would always start at an absurdly high price, and one would have to argue the price down. Unfortunately several of us got scammed. After the market, we went to a beach in Santa Domingo. I believe that God has used my experiences at Juan Calvino and the Dominican Church service I attended to teach me several valuable lessons. Firstly, I have learned to value and be grateful for the little things in life. To give a personal example, the toilets at Juan Calvino were often extremely faulty and the showers were alike to a hose. When I first entered the bathroom at the new location, for the first time, I felt grateful for having a shower and working toilet. Growing up in Canada, people often take the little things such as having functional plumbing or clean water for granted. This experience in the Dominican has opened my eyes about poverty and shown me how fortunate my situation is. Lastly, a message from a Dominican pastor preached about has resonated with me. Essentially he talked about how one must not lose sight of God within their own ambitions. This is especially applicable myself and my peers who are worrying their futures through things such as colleges. The decision must not be made based on only ones desires, but instead decided with God’s wisdom.

Written by Jon Chen

Hi this is Kaitlyn and today was a very eventful day. In our agenda for the day we visited some of the flee markets and beaches Santo Domingo had to offer. The markets theres are a different experience then Canada. Theres wasn’t a specific price and you gad to utilize your negotiation skills. Personally i think i got scammed but at least a family is going to have a FEAST tonight. Ive did a lot of damage and maxed out the amount of pesos I’ve bought. After the markets, we went to the beach. The beach was glorious, and it was really thrilling to connect with the ocean again. I found a couple of starfish, and some people wrote on boats, and it was overall a great time although today was a day filled with thrill and adventure, we did have to say goodbye to someone someone that is special to us through this whole entire trip, and that someone was Franklin. Franklin devoted his time from his family to help connect and engage with us through this trip. He taught as many lessons and brought us to many fascinating places in the Dominican Republic without him I don’t think this trip could be possible. He played an a very important part to this trip. He brought his culture to us, and we gladly embraced his culture. He showed each and everyone if us on how to love and have fun. I am very sad that he has to leave us and i wish him and his family a future filled with Jesus and happiness. Many people cried when he left including myself which shows how impactful he was to this trip. He brought Jesus to us. He showed and taught us love. I could feel the holy spirit in the room when he gave hus speech because i observed how connected everyone is at the end and how we truly love esch otjer. Ill miss you lots Franklin, even though you can be unhinged sometimes and always meow and tap my shoulder, you truly earn a spot in mine and everyone on this trip’s heart ❤️ anyways i wanna stay here forever… do i really have to go back to school?????? 

Written by Kaitlyn Chui

Today was the team’s final day in the Dominican Republic and we spent it with many laughs, smiles, and a few shedded tears from saying goodbye. We started our day off in a local gift shop market practicing our bargaining skills and collecting memorable souvenirs to remind us of this trip, and we spent the rest of the day at the beach with our best leader and tour guide Franklin. Saying goodbye to him was tough for all of us, and we all shared our most favorite things about Franklin from his loving smile to his giving heart and caring soul.

God accompanied us on this trip not only in the works we’ve done and the hands we’ve held, but more importantly in the smiles we’ve shared and the people we’ve built relationships with along the way. The children at both schools as well as Franklin himself were people that we all grew and learned greatly from, and we will carry their joy, memories, and spirits with us as we venture back home to Canada. God was truly our rock throughout this whole trip, and I’ve personally learned that sometimes a little conversation accompanied by an act of service is all it takes to share God’s love for each and every one of us with the rest of the world.

Written by Keiyshia Ting

The team began the day with breakfast at our accommodations provided by the kitchen, which included toast, eggs, oatmeal, and fresh fruit. Afterwards, we took a bus to a nearby market to browse the items that the vendors offered. Many of us purchased handmade jewellery as souvenirs, bargaining with the sellers for a lower price. After around an hour at the market, the group re-gathered before heading to the beach, one of the most beautiful places that we had seen during our time in Punta Cana. We enjoyed our time, exploring the area, trying new food, and collecting seashells to add to our collection . To end the day, the group enjoyed a meal with Franklin, who left later that night after saying goodbye to the team.

Throughout this trip, I had the amazing opportunity to witness God’s work in the lives of both the locals and ourselves. During devotions, the team recalled the memorable experiences they had during their time serving in the Dominican Republic, and how they have seen their personal growth and faith strengthen because of their time here. This experience has allowed me to understand the importance of spiritual wealth, and His ability to work in unexpected places in order to guide our journey. I hope that we will continue to spread God’s love even after this trip ends. Thank you to everyone who has made this trip possible, have a great day byeeee!

Written by Claire Chiang


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