Wed. Apr. 10

Team 1

Good Evening!

We woke up this morning to the beautiful sunrise and ate a delicious breakfast, then we headed out for our first day in the other school, Apocolipsís. The bus ride there was full of excitement and energy as we jamed to music for the entire journey. As soon as we got there, we met all the beautiful kids and had a wonderful tour of the school. We then spent some time getting to know all the kind-hearted children and they were all SO cute and so happy, it filled my entire heart. After that we ate a delicious meal and then, we set out to work to plaster walls, sift dry concrete and lift buckets of concrete to everyone. Afterward, we spent even MORE time with the kids like playing basketball, making crafts and just talking to one another and having loads and loads of fun. My Spanish is definitely (hopefully) improving since we’ve been communicating with everyone in this language, and it is so joyous to see the faces of the kids light up when we have conversations. 

I see God working through all the miraculous people that I have met, creating such unique and special personalities. Everyone here is so enthusiastic and jovial with everything they have, it makes me ponder about all the little, useless things that I complain about back home. God has showed me that no amount of material possessions can fully satisfy me, but it is the people i surround myself with and energy I produce that can really accentuate the positivity in my life. This is such a beautiful city with such beautiful people that makes me so, so grateful for this opportunity and the people I get to experience this with. I know this long ladies and gents but I’ll say one last thing. Oops! I really do believe that God intended me to see and witness everything that we’ve done, while also showing me how we have been blessed with such privilege in our lives. I am more than excited to do this all over again tomorrow, muchos gracias madre y padre por letting me come here. I might just stay here forever. ¡Adios mis amigos!

Written by Chelsea Chan

Team 2

Today my team visited the school Juan Calvino which is connected to the ministry centre that we are staying at. The past 2 days spent at the school Apocalipsís have been incredible for me and i was disappointed to be going to a new location. However, when i got to Juan Calvino I was greeted by a group of little kids running towards me with open arms and giving me the biggest hugs ever even though they had never met me before. That alone made me so excited and I immediately felt so happy to be there. We started the day with our VBS which went incredibly well and i was so happy to see all the kids fully engaged in the skit and singing the songs along with us. I led the craft along with a couple people from my team (we made paper bag sheep-puppets to go along with the story) and it was so so heartwarming to see all of the kids having fun and the look on their faces when they finished the puppets. We also spent a part of the day helping the workers building the school by bringing up buckets of cement to fill the floor. I will be quite honest it was hard work and we were all dying of heat but it was also so rewarding to see the finished floor and think about the opportunities that kids are going to be provided with in that room one day. 

While I have been here, God has been teaching me many things.

One of my  biggest highlights of this whole trip has been seeing how joyful the people are here despite whatever their circumstances may be. They are truly grateful for everything that they have and it is so inspiring to me. I feel like sometimes back home it is so easy to take things for granted but here i an really learning to appreciate the little things and find God in every circumstance. 

Written by Amanda Helms


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