Tues. Apr. 9

Team 1

This morning we woke up to enjoy another yummy breakfast filled with fresh fruit. Team 1 then began our second day at Juan Calvino. First we interacted with some kids during their break, lot of which remembered our names which made us feel very special. Then we gathered in the chapel to begin our worship, lesson and activities with the youngest kids. I loved singing the worship songs with them especially when they recognized the song and began super loudly praising the Lord. We then took shifts with half an of us carrying concrete in buckets up to another second story room and half of us running activities with the children. It was so cute to see how much these children wanted to win the RCS eagles shirt during the games. We got to enjoy lunch at the school today along with other teens our age at the school. I loved meeting and practicing my Spanish with them, while also helping them with their English. After lunch we learned that high schoolers would also like to worship with us, so we sang and presented them with our lesson too. Then we worked to finish the concrete floor of the classroom. We were then allotted free time however almost all of us continued to play with the children all the  way until dinner. Today God showed me  the ways fulfillment does not come from our within our selves but from the things we lean on him for. The Christians in the Dominican have so much less than us in material things, yet the happiness that radiates off them is so contagious and joyous. It is evident that their belongings are not what produces this attitude, but the joy they find in all they do which is driven by and through our God. These people have encouraged me to lean not on my own strength (and possessions) but only on the Lord and what he provides for me. 

Written by Maddi Bogress

Team 2

On day four of the mission trip team to woke up early in the morning to enjoy a beautiful Dominican breakfast with tropical fruit And toast, provided for us by our hosts. We left early in the morning to reach our job site around 10. Today it was our job to make plaster and help provide the workers with materials as they plastered the school. We started the day by playing with the children and connecting with them through unplanned sports and games. We visited each class and sang spanish worship songs and told the story of the 99 sheep through a wonderful skit. Later, as we worked the children shouted to us through the windows, wanting to play. The children expressed so much joy and excitement towards everything. After our work our guide took us through a Baté, an old farmers village now inhabited by families. We saw some extreme forms of poverty and large amounts of trash but never frowning face. Walking through the Baté showed me the value of being rich in happiness not material desires. These are the most happy people I have ever met and they have so much less than we do in Canada. God showed me that true happiness only comes from those who have little in the world but much in God. My perspective has been completely shifted on what is truly valuable. I now know that being joyful and kind is the only way to live and that i should have gratitude for all the Lord has provided me with.

Written by Annika Wong-Moon


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