Preparing For Departure

Tuesday March 7

After the selection of the team in October, the biggest aspect of the pre-trip work was, by far, fundraising. In a community with a number of enormous fundraisers going on, getting the attention of possible donors seemed a daunting task. However, as requests went out and campaigns were organized and events were planned...the money started to trickle in. The Lord does indeed bless, and He definitely did in this case as well. In what can only be characterized a steady stream of support, we slowly hit our benchmarks. The first $7500 meant we could book flights, $15000 represented 1/3 of our goal. Before we knew it we were at the halfway point with some major events still ahead. Trivia and Euchre brought team members together in efforts to push our totals to the goal. In the end, a number of last minute donors finished up the fundraising campaign with some room to spare and we could once again witness the faithfulness of our God.

With just a few hours left before our team meets at Guido en route to Toronto's Pearson Airport, we have a moment to ask our families and friends for more support. This time we ask for your prayers for safe travel and a bonding experience as a team and for success with the classroom building project in Belize. Also that we may grow closer to our Lord and Saviour and increase in faith. Thank you.

We will keep you updated here each day.


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