Announcing: The Alice Vanderkooy Transforming Education Award

EduDeo Ministries is pleased to announce the Alice Vanderkooy Transforming Education Award.

Alice is a former teacher, an EduDeo volunteer, and a passionate advocate of Christ-centred education. Alice created the award because of her own career as an educator and her experiences with exceptional educators from around the world through volunteering with EduDeo. Whether facilitating workshops in Haiti, providing translation at an education conference in Canada, or forming relationships with international educators, Alice could see that these educators and leaders from around the world were some of the most deserving of further investment.  

Not only that, but she could see these educators and leaders have a vision to impact their communities, countries, and the entire world with Christ-centred education. They have big dreams for restoring relationships, equipping the next generation, and bringing hope to a hurting world. They are gifted, competent men and women who have already made incredible strides in their schools and communities. Impact is already visible wherever they lead. 

But despite their passion, skill, and determination, they often lack access to professional development opportunities and further education. Degrees, diplomas, and certificates are costly and often out of reach for educators. They want to learn more and enhance their skills, but financial barriers keep standing in their way. 

That’s where Alice saw the award as meeting a need and filling a gap. 

Alice saw educator’s and leaders’ existing skills and passion, and she wanted to come alongside them to break down barriers to further education. So, she created the award and invites others to join her for global, long-term impact. 

Listen to Alice’s story here and learn more about her passion behind creating the award:  

The Alice Vanderkooy Transforming Education Award will come alongside established and emerging leaders so they can achieve their dreams. The award will provide candidates with financial support as they pursue and complete further education and professional development. These leaders are committed to guiding their communities into hope, love, and transformation - and when you give to the award, you ensure they can carry on in their work. 

Consider giving today:  


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