Guest Blog: Vocation & Collaboration

This blog was guest-written by Redeemer University student, Lauryn F., as part of a collaborative project between EduDeo and Redeemer to revamp EduDeo's online store.

EduDeo has partnered with Redeemer University to work on a project to revamp the EduDeo online store.

As a result, we’ve been brought in – a team of six fourth-year students, all with different areas of study, but with a common interest in EduDeo and the work that they do! Our group is Alexa, Lauryn, Madison, Monica, Roberta, and Sofia, and we’re doing this project as part of our course "Core Capstone Experience" (CTS-410). In this class, students are split into groups and paired up with a different not-for-profit organization to work on a project.

We’ve been paired with EduDeo to do research and help put together their online store!

EduDeo is creating an online store so they can have a more constant stream of revenue. Charities depend heavily on donations, which aren’t always the most reliable source of revenue, so by implementing an online store, EduDeo will have a consistent source of funds that they can put toward their mission and ministries!

In our class, we’ve been talking a lot about vocation and God’s calling for our lives, and learning how we can apply our different vocations to one collaborative project.

It’s been really great to have all six of us, all from different programs, come together and learn from each other while working on this project.

So far, the project has been a lot of research about what makes a good online store. We’ve analyzed the online stores of other organizations to see what works and what doesn’t, and we’re also putting out a survey so that we can learn which items would be best for EduDeo to stock in their store. The survey is a series of questions that will help us make recommendations for the store based on what most consumers would like to see. We’re also going to be meeting with EduDeo’s International Partnership Director to discuss the involvement of partner countries with the online store.

All in all, the project has been great. It’s really awesome for all of us on the team to be involved with EduDeo and to support their mission!

Keep an eye out for the EduDeo Ministries online store, coming soon!

Meet Our Team:

Alexa: I’m a Biochemistry major with a minor in Environmental Studies. I am looking forward to helping EduDeo develop a sustainable revenue source to allow them to continue to promote Christian education around the world. 

Lauryn: I’m an English major with a double minor in Philosophy and Media & Communications. I’m really excited about the fair-trade aspect of this project, because it’s something I’m very passionate about, and I’m really grateful for the opportunity to work more with EduDeo’s partner countries and help them in their mission!

Madison: I’m an English major with a History minor and I’m going into an education program to become a teacher. I’m excited to work with EduDeo and help them achieve their mission of spreading Christ-centred education.

Monica: I'm studying Applied Social Sciences and Politics & International Studies. I'm excited to learn more about EduDeo's work with partner countries. It's also really neat to meet and work alongside people part of an organization that focuses on Gospel-centred education.

Roberta: I'm a Psychology major and Criminal Justice minor, and I am also going to be participating in the Redeemer-Mohawk Recreation Therapy program next semester. I am so excited to learn more about EduDeo and see the impact they have on the world as an organization that helps to promote Christ-centered education.

Sofia: I’m studying Health Sciences with a minor in Psychology. Getting to learn about EduDeo and the work they do the past few months has been really fun! I look forward to continue on learning about EduDeo and their work with the partner countries.


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