Day 2 and 3

The second day at the school started much the same as the first. We took the bus to PDS and picked up students on the way there. Today, however, the students sat with us more readily and were less shy. At school work continued on the new classroom.

Smoothing the walls by chipping off excess mortar and helping to mix cement were the two main activities in the class. Other team member spent time making alphabet cards and helping out in the classrooms.

There were plenty more piggy back rides and games of tag with the students. at the end of the day we joined our Host Isaias at the village church for their youth group. we had the opportunity to sing praises with them and play a few games before listening to a devotional address about the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man. We ate dinner at the church and headed home for the evening.

Saturday, our third day in Belize was an entirely different experience. Beginning with an hour and fifteen minute boat cruise from a town in the Orange Walk district to the Mayan ruins of Lamanai, we had the opportunity to see crocodiles, iguanas, and some tiny bats all lazing on the edges of the surrounding jungle. One crocodile was 6 or more feet in length.

The boat ride in itself was a treat as it was equipped with twin 225 HP Mercury Motors that allowed us to travel at 30 to 35 mph for most of the ride.

The Mayan ruins were another incredible experience, and it will be impossible to express the true size of these 2000 year old temples through photos, but here they are anyway.

We got to hike through 1.2 miles of Belizean Jungle moving from site to site. One highlight of the hike was the opportunity to see several wild Howler Monkeys.

It was an incredible day. After out daily devotions, we ended the night with some games at the hotel.


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