Day 1

So our first is done and there is so much to share that it cannot all be done here. However, I will try to give you all a sense of what we experienced. We started the day together at breakfast in our hotel and gathered what we needed so we could get on the school bus at 8 am sharp. From our hotel the bus travelled to the village and picked up students. It was precious to see the kids faces as they saw our team of pale, super tall Guido students sitting on the bus.

Once at the school we divided into work teams and classroom teams. While some hauled lumber and removed nails, others spent time in the classrooms helping the teachers and students. By break time the kids were all over the team. They played soccer gave piggyback rides and enjoyed spending time together.

At the end of the day we were tired and happy. One common thing that was mentioned was how our Belizean brothers and sister make due with far less but are no less happy...maybe even more so.


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