Day 3

day 3 was great!


Other Stories

 Alice created the award because of her own career as an educator and her experiences with exceptional educators from around the...

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Today at EduDeo Ministries, we’re remembering the life of Lesther Gonzales, EduDeo’s long-time staff member in Nicaragua. Lesther passed away on December 7, 2021 from complications after contracting COVID-19.  If you met Lesther over the last number...

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Phil will become the third Executive Director in the history of EduDeo Ministries (formerly Worldwide Christian Schools Canada), and will begin the transition to...

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As a result, we’ve been brought in – a team of six fourth-year students, all with different areas of...

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Our Co-Impact team from HDCH is so excited to leave for Nicaragua in ONE DAY!!! As internet connection allows, we are going to...

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We ended the day with prayer, after reflecting together on our highlights and surprises. Ultimately, we feel like we are in a different...

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