Day 6!! Construction

Today was our last day in Nicaragua and was also Meghan’s birthday! We went back to El Alfarero School to finish our painting. We gave everything a second coat and when we finished we were presented with beautiful pottery by the school. Nicaragua is known for its pottery and the principal and teachers were so thankful for our work. It was beautiful to receive these gifts of appreciation. 

After a hot day of painting, we headed back to the Nehemiah Centre. Nilda & Mrs Vandervelde planned out a Nicaraguan birthday tradition for Meghan’s birthday today! So, when we got back to the NC we were presented with a piñata for Meghan and Seth. We attached it to a long rope and hung it in the rafters of our communal dining/hang out space. Hudson and Juliette moved the piñata up and down while a blindfolded team member tried to hit it. The other team members gave instructions on where the piñata was using the Spanish words arriba (up) and abaj (down). 

Then, after Hudson finished the piñata off, we said goodbye to Nilda and thanked her for everything she did for us on this trip. 

Nilda was the EduDeo mastermind behind everything we did, planning our outings, working with the schools, translating for us, and much much more. This would not have been possible without her. 

We enjoyed another delicious Nicaraguan meal together of yellow rice, grilled chicken with a mushroom/onion sauce, cucumber/tomato salad and plantain chips! We’ve eaten so well here family style at our long table as a team. This time of “breaking bread” together has created a family atmosphere, with prayer, laughter and fun!

After dinner we had a closing circle with Peter & Trudy. They asked what made an impression on us during our time here in Nicaragua. We mentioned things such as the hospitality, home visits, poverty, beauty of the country, and the sense of community that we found here in Nicaragua. This trip has opened our eyes and made us even more grateful for what God has blessed us with at home in Canada. 

They explained to us just how much these trips mean to the schools we are working with. The money that we fundraised goes a long way and is so appreciated and put to good work. 

Our team leaders, “Paulina & Edwardo” described each of us with two words from their experience this week and presented each us with a Nicaraguan souvenir that we can make music with. We played happy birthday to Meghan with these!!

We ended the communal part of our evening sharing our photo albums that we made for our school visit. This was a great way to conclude the trip as we shared our personal photo stories before leaving Nicaragua. This was concluded with celebrating Meghan’s birthday with cake!

Our evening ahead will be interesting as pack & prepare to travel at 2 AM.

This trip has been such a blessing and something that we will all treasure. 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9

Blessings from our 2023 Nicaraguan Co-Impact Team


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