Day 4!! Church and the Ocean

Today we went to church in Managua. As soon as we walked in we were surrounded by so many people singing and worshiping. It was so moving even in Spanish and one of the songs were recognizable so we were able to sing in English as well. The message was in Spanish and we weren’t really sure how we were going to be able to gain anything from the sermon. Then, someone from the congregation walked up behind us and began translating for us. It is amazing how God works in small ways such as that. Following the service we walked outside and met a high school group working with World Renew from Oakville. We recognized some members from different high schools that we had played sports against and played some Dutch bingo :). 

Our Sunday, was truly a day of rest. After church we had a delicious warm meal and some more bracelet making, we then headed to the Pacific Ocean! The waves were huge, the water was so warm and it was quite shallow so we spent a lot of time swimming. We enjoyed time on the beach reading, listening to music, and relaxing. A bunch of us played football and soon enough a group of young Nicaraguan boys joined in! Despite the language barrier we were still able to connect and have fun through sport. 

We ate dinner at the beach and had time to enjoy the ‘golden hour’ as the sun started to set. Some team members road horses while others played with the children on the beach. On the bus ride home we played worship music and everyone sang. It was a beautiful drive past so many sugar cane fields as the sun was setting.

We enjoyed some downtime when we got back to the Nehemiah Centre with a chance to play games, relax and playing some basketball. (Girls are 2-0!!) 

We ended our night with devotions where we all shared our favourite bible verses and what these verses mean to us. This was very meaningful in connection to everyone’s life and faith journey. We discussed our experience at the Spanish church sharing what we learned from the pastor’s sermon, worship and the service. We had a chance to share our cultural takeaways from the entire day and close in prayer.

We discussed our construction project and an early night to bed so we’ll be ready for work tomorrow.


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