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Seeds of Faith

Seeds of Faith

By EduDeo Ministries

Lives are being transformed in the Dominican Republic.

Your love has empowered teachers in Christ-centred schools to plant seeds of faith in the lives of their students. You can see God’s hand at work in Junior’s life in particular.

As a student, Junior faced huge challenges at home, including mistreatment. School became the only place he felt safe.

But it was the dedication of his teachers that truly changed his life. They didn’t just teach math and science; they nurtured his faith. “I believe that the little seed [they] planted is what is bearing fruit today,” Junior reflects.

Students like Junior are being nurtured in their  faith at school.
Students like Junior are being nurtured in their faith at school.

His teachers showed Junior how to lean on Jesus in times of struggle. When faced with a daunting math exam, Junior sought help from his teacher and, together, they turned to prayer—and he passed!

This experience reinforced the power of faith in his daily life. But the impact of his Christ-centred education went beyond academics.

Junior shares, “When I met Jesus... it was really something that I cannot measure.”

Today, Junior carries forward this legacy as a teacher himself. He works hard to bring his faith into his interactions with students. He always makes room for Jesus in his classroom — just like his teachers did for him.

Now as a teacher, Junior brings his faith into every interaction with his students.
Now as a teacher, Junior brings his faith into every interaction with his students.

The seeds of faith you’ve helped plant continue to grow. And they’re creating a lasting impact for generations to come.

This story is from Your 2024 Impact Report, which you can read here!


EduDeo Ministries

EduDeo Ministries believes education rooted in the Gospel is the best way to bring about whole-life transformation for children and their communities. We exist to advance Christ-centred education for children in the majority world.