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Living & Learning in Abundance

Living & Learning in Abundance

By EduDeo Ministries

Living & Learning in Abundance

Developing, connecting, empowering, and equipping Christ-centred leaders across Africa. It’s an immense task for a small, new organization known as Kurumbuka Leadership Solutions. But thinking out of abundance, not scarcity, is in Kurumbuka’s makeup – and even their name.

“This word ‘kurumbuka’ is a Kinyarwanda word which means ‘abundance’ or ‘multiplication.’ In the organization’s context, it refers to the desire to multiply leaders and solutions in serving people, institutions, and communities, contributing to the socio-economic transformation of the nations,” says Phocas, Kurumbuka’s Rwanda Country Director (pictured below, on far left).

EduDeo began partnering with Kurumbuka in 2015, when it was first known as the Abundant Leadership Institute (ALI) within the Wellspring Foundation for Education. Together, EduDeo and Kurumbuka work specifically with educational leaders – equipping them to transform their communities through Christ-centred education. When we asked Phocas to reflect on what the history of our partnership – and what he hopes for its future – he was eager to share his hope for abundant transformation of individuals and communities.

“Partnering with EduDeo in the area of empowering leaders at Christ-Centered schools has been empowering and fulfilling. We get the chance to instruct students to learn how to move from a scarcity mentality to an abundant mentality, to shift from a need-based approach to asset-based approach, to develop a self-sacrificial heart, to serve others using a servant leadership approach. At Kurumbuka, we are passionate about equipping Christ-centered educators,” says Phocas.

EduDeo’s specific focus in supporting Kurumbuka is delivering a training on Biblical Worldview and Values. Phocas sees this as an essential part of Kurumbuka’s work, especially for educational leaders: “We see Christ-centred education as a process by which we nurture the next generation to be part of God’s restorative work and renewal.

Educational leaders deal directly with the present and next generation. They occupy a strategic position which helps them to positively shape the philosophical and social fabric of a nation by investing in one child at a time. We need to raise empowered servant leaders who intentionally serve and empower others with an abundant mentality. They need to value diversity, lead in innovation, be creative, aspire and work towards the common good, and have a sacrificial spirit.”

What’s next for EduDeo and Kurumbuka? EduDeo will continue to support Kurumbuka through the delivery of the Biblical Worldview training for various leadership co-horts. EduDeo will also support Kurumbuka as it looks to exciting future growth into Uganda. Ultimately, EduDeo’s dream for the future is that educational leaders – from other regions where we partner – will join Kurumbuka for a transformational professional development opportunity, leading to individual and whole community transformation.


EduDeo Ministries
EduDeo Ministries believes education rooted in the Gospel is the best way to bring about whole-life transformation for children and their communities. We exist to advance Christ-centred education for children in the majority world.