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Tracing Impact Through Investment

Tracing Impact Through Investment

By EduDeo Ministries

If you look at someone’s journey of leadership, you can probably trace all the different impacts they’ve had over the years. You can trace a clear line from the investment they received as one person to how it grew and multiplied to countless others.

If you’re going to trace Alvaro’s impact, you’ll have to go back about 20 years. That’s when he first started as an elementary school teacher. From there, he became the General Manager of the Presbyterian Church Schools in Belize (PCSB) in 2012. Though 20 years may be a long time to look back over, tracing investment and impact is easy for Alvaro.

“Personally, for me I have been modelled what it means to walk alongside those under your care. It has been modelled what it means to encourage others, yet graciously challenge others to own to their calling. Growth comes over time by providing the needed resources and support. I have been given the time to personally uncover and continue to develop my gifts within a partnership that values relationships, trust, empowerment, and the potential of each individual. EduDeo’s term of ‘learning leaders’ spoke deeply to me that it radically changed the way I see myself as a leader: one that is always learning!”

How does Alvaro keep learning and model that for those under his leadership? For the past ten years of partnership with EduDeo, Alvaro has attended various workshops on integrating the Gospel into curriculum, Christ-centred leadership, strategic planning, and more. And it hasn’t stopped there. Alvaro regularly leads trainings for his PCSB teachers, follows up on their learn - ing, and provides coaching and mentoring. In 2021, Alvaro co-led a training for leaders in the Dominican Republic on dealing with difficult people. Then, he co-led a workshop for Guatemalan educators about enacting change through teaching.

He has experienced a multitude of opportunities that come from investment and wants those same opportunities for others. Because walking alongside those under his care – wherever in the world they may live and work – is how the impact will continue to grow.


EduDeo Ministries
EduDeo Ministries believes education rooted in the Gospel is the best way to bring about whole-life transformation for children and their communities. We exist to advance Christ-centred education for children in the majority world.