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Reframing perspectives through relationship: The power of working and growing together

Reframing perspectives through relationship: The power of working and growing together

By Christy Janssens

Co-Impact experiences have a special way of changing perspectives, hearts, and lives. Working alongside brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe is enriching, opening up opportunities to grow in unexpected ways. Team members consistently return with stories of transformation, insight, and renewed vision.

“Our students return from their Co-Impact experience and share in classes and assemblies how they were challenged, how they saw God in new and vibrant ways, and how they were touched by the people they met throughout their experiences,” says Geannette Lehman, principal of Gateway Christian School (AB). “Many students have returned years later to share how their experience helped to direct them later in other missions opportunities, in service opportunities, or in how they live from day to day in both small and large manners.”

Students from Gateway Christian School (AB, CAN) and La Esperanza (DR) getting to know one another.

Relationships are the unifying foundation of Co-Impact teams. Although it is important to serve in tangible ways, such as building roofs or assisting in classrooms, these projects act as catalysts for deeper connections to grow. That is where the most profound transformation happens.

Kara Pouli, a Co-Impact team member from Vineland Free Reformed Church (ON), says her Co-Impact experience in Zambia profoundly reframed her perspective on everything she knew.

Additionally, she felt connected to a global community of believers. “Our journey in Zambia was a testament to the expansiveness of the Kingdom of God,” she says. “It goes beyond geographical boundaries and manifests through acts of love, service, and unity.”

Vineland Free Reformed Church served alongside community members to support the construction of Katondo Primary School in Zambia!

Koenraad Beugelink, Faith Formation Director at Abbotsford Christian Secondary School (BC), says partners and Co-Impact teams both benefit from the relationships built through service. They have developed a 14-year relationship with Centro de Fe, a school in Managua, Nicaragua. “Every time we’re together it feels like we can pick up exactly where we left off,” Koenraad says. “So it does almost feel like we are siblings that live in different parts of the world.”

When Co-Impact teams pray and talk with schools throughout the week, it often uncovers shared challenges they both navigate in different contexts. Koenraad says that this leads to new ways to learn from and encourage each other. “The spiritual side of the relationship is so important,” he says. “There are so many similarities that bring forth opportunities to be a mutual blessing to one another.”

Students from Abbotsford Christian Secondary School (BC, CAN) and Centro de Fe (NIC) build long-term relationships with one another through Co-Impact teams.

Phil Schilstra, who led a Co-Impact team from Smithville (ON) to Belize, holds a similar perspective. “We are reminded that people are the same everywhere but just born into different circumstances,” he says. “When we gather, we have our faith and our Saviour in common, and that completely unites us. It’s truly a beautiful thing and I hope that everyone someday can experience it.”

Geannette also emphasizes that the relationships built through Co-Impact experiences are enriching on both sides. “Some of us still stay in regular contact with the friends we made there,” she says. “The opportunity to share about our cultures, our countries and how we express our faith with each other on a personal and authentic level has been such a gift over the years!”

The relationships forged through Co-Impact teams are a testament to the power of believers coming together in community. This includes team members, partners, and every supporter who invests through prayer and generous giving.

“Our hearts overflow with gratitude for the privilege of serving, learning, and growing alongside our Zambian brothers and sisters,” says Kara on behalf of her Co-Impact team. “It has left an indelible mark on our souls, shaping us in ways we never thought possible.”


Do you, your church, or your school want to serve with EduDeo's international partners? You can learn more about Co-Impact teams here, or connect with us at [email protected].


Christy Janssens

Christy Janssens is a friend of EduDeo Ministries, and is a Christian freelance copywriter from Toronto, Ontario. With a background in journalism and communications, she writes marketing materials, emails, and blog posts for nonprofits and small businesses. Find her at www.studiojoycopywriting.com