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They Call Her "Abuela"

They Call Her "Abuela"

By EduDeo Ministries

They Call Her "Abuela"

Think of a grandmother-figure in your life. Maybe she’s in your family, or a neighbour, or a friend. She’s always there when you need her. She gives love without hesitation. She’s always teaching you something new. She’s not afraid to call you out.

Maybe you call her Grandma, Oma, Nonna, Lola, Halmoni, Yiayia, or any other name you say with love.

At Filadelfia Christian School in the Dominican Republic, students call her Abuela. Filadelfia’s principal, Luisa, has been at the school for 35 years, and the last 20 as principal. It’s easy to see why she’s the grandmother to her school community. Students she used to teach now work with her, and she teaches their children.

But it’s not just the generations that make Luisa an Abuela, it’s her love for her students.

“I did not plan to be a teacher but my love for children grew.” Now, 35 years after starting her career, it’s her students that matter most. “Being able to serve this community for so many years and seeing our students have progress...” that’s what makes Luisa the most proud.

It’s also Luisa’s wise approach to leadership that make her the school’s loving Abuela. “As a leader in this institution, I feel that much has changed since my graduation from college. I must expand my academic preparation and acquire more knowledge.”

And so she has. For years, Luisa and her fellow educators have attended workshops, received coaching, and grown their skills. From conflict resolution to Christ-like leadership to curriculum development to integrating the Gospel in the classroom - Luisa has expanded her skills and knowledge.

In fact, when you supported teacher and leader training projects at EduDeo last year, you were really supporting Luisa. You showed her you care about her ongoing learning and about her students too. With your crucial support, Luisa can continue being the loving, wise, reliable Abuela her students need.


EduDeo Ministries
EduDeo Ministries believes education rooted in the Gospel is the best way to bring about whole-life transformation for children and their communities. We exist to advance Christ-centred education for children in the majority world.