Well, it was once again another hot day. Tomorrow's forecast is for +36C. It was a long day today. We stayed longer to finish pouring the floors in 2 more classrooms. We have one more to do, and that will happen tomorrow. When we did the second floor, we mixed concrete in playground area and then hauled them up to the second floor using a rebar hook. Then the bucket brigade went to work.
We have had a great time building relationships with the workers. It isn't always easy to understand what they are saying, but we make every effort to figure it out. And sometimes we just have to chuckle at ourselves.
We need to finish our story of Sandy's finger. It needs an explanation. We were in the process of moving concrete bucket by bucket from the mixing room to the room being poured. Well.... Sandy passed a bucket to Alex, and Alex happened to take Sandy's glove along. Well.... Sandy kept her glove, except for one of her fingers. It was the chuckle for the day, and we still have to chuckle over it.
It is late, and we have another day of work ahead of us. So, we better sign off, besides my computer is going to die in about 15 minutes. Pictures tomorrow.
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