Worms, dirt, and a whole lot of sweat

Well today was another unBELIZEable day!

Started off nice and early with breakfast at 7:30 and leaving for Conception elementary school at 8:00. This was a miracle in itself considering how bad the boys are at communicating wake up calls. The first boys to come out were fifteen minutes late and decided not to wake up their 3 other roommates (???). Once everyone was ready, we hopped on a bus and took roll call. It sounded something like this (just like every other time so far) . . .

Mr VanEerden – “One!”

Everyone - *silence*

Everyone except Toby – “TOBY!!!”

Toby – “Oh… two!”

Everyone else - *proceeds to 21*

Perfect, we’re all here. Arriving at Conception Elementary, we had the opportunity to help prepare for an addition to their pre-existing cement fence. This included digging, by hand, a 100 yard (15 inches deep by 12 inches wide) long trench. We dug through dirt, clay, and limestone for about 5 hours, making us quickly realize how blessed we are with power tools back home. Whenever a worm was uncovered, we made sure to fling it at the nearest team member. Most people worked hard the whole time (especially Evan) while others made sure to grab a pick axe when the cameras came out (Steven). The other half of the team worked on tying rebar together to use for the foundation of the fence. Throughout the day, we switched from site to site, making sure to give everyone a chance at both tasks. The vice principal and two teachers from the school provided us with two local dishes for snack time as well as a massive, delicious lunch.

After receiving approval from Jose and “Nacho,” sweating so much it felt like we had showered, and pulling off our socks to reveal dirt “tan lines,” we headed for the bus. Once arriving back at Hotel Maya, we quickly changed before running to the algae covered boat ramp across the street. Upon arrival, however, we realized that we were leaderless. After being given strict instruction from the leaders NOT to go in the water without their supervision, we waited patiently for them to arrive.


we were still waiting. Finally, Evan took one for the team (literally) and ran back to see what was up. We soon learned that due to a minor miscommunication, our leaders were all relaxing in their air condition rooms while we waited, sweating even more. Finally, we got to swim and it was amazing.

After drying off, we walked to a grocery store where we bought only the essentials: 112 Oreos (for $12), a box of lucky charms, yogurt, iced coffee and some new, local snacks. We arrived back at the hotel and ate aonther, massive delicious meal. The people who feed us are so generous, always making sure that we have enough.

Soon after supper, we started our worship time. Led by Erin H. and Sarah B. (Minnie Sarah, not Mama Sarah), we sang many songs in the outdoor eating area of the hotel. Because we were visible to the on looking people passing by, we met David. Resting his 8-foot wooden cross against the hotel, he asked what we were doing and if he could join us, to which mama Sarah replied, “absolutely!” After briefly acquainting ourselves, we began worshiping again. When we were wrapping up, we finished by raising a hand and singing the Benediction. We learned that he has been traveling for 6 years after selling his possessions to follow Christ.


Recently, we witness Darius jump into the ocean due to losing “What are the Odds” and currently, Josh’s makeup is getting done…? Others are talking with David and we are sitting here writing to you.

All in all, it was a great day filled with hard work, lots of sweat, and some time to relax and see God’s creation here in Belize.

Also, please include as many exclamation marks as possible in the comments you leave below. We will explain when we get home but it will make for a good laugh when Mr. VanEerden reads this out to the rest tomorrow. Time to sign off, have a good night and BARRRUP!

The Brandsma Clan (J.B and C.B2)


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