This back-to-school season, your gift of kindness will ensure all children have access to education!

International Block

International Block offers Canadian Grade 11 and 12 students an immersive six-week learning experience in an EduDeo partner country.

If you're a student looking a new learning environment, you want to experience a different culture, and you're interested in building deep relationships - look no further. International Block may be for you.

in the classroom

Both in Canada and abroad, you'll learn about and experience global Christ-centred education. While earning high school credit, you will learn some Spanish, research cultural norms and customs, compare social institutions in Canadian society to those in Central America, prepare for an attitude of service, and develop group cohesion and teamwork skills.

service opportunities

You'll get to observe how EduDeo's partner is faithfully serving their communities through education and outreach. While there, you'll be given safe and varied opportunities to serve in schools, orphanages, and construction projects, just to name a few.

your awareness

Embarking on an International Block trip provides once-in-a-lifetime experiences. They will be challenging experiences, but those are often the most rewarding. You will be stretched socially, spiritually, physically, and culturally. Above all, you will come away knowing
more about yourself, your beliefs, society, and the world.


Students must be in Grades 11 or 12 in the 2022-23 school year, and 16 years old or older at the time of the trip. Students must be patient, driven, and flexible, and they should be able to work independently, willing to take risks, and work as part of a team for the whole semester. They must be willing to be stretched physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


Students will serve and learn in one of EduDeo's partner countries in Central America & the Caribbean (specific country still TBD). Dates are scheduled for April 3 - May 15, 2023, but are tentative and subject to change.


The cost is approx. $6,000 CAD per student, above regular tuition. The cost covers the trip and all travel and accommodations. Expenses not covered include: personal toiletries, spending money, vaccinations, passport fees, and travel medical insurance. Please talk to your school’s program leader if cost is prohibitive.

“When friends, family, and other supporters asked me how my trip was, I am able to quickly inform them with my three-word answer of ‘eye-opening, challenging, and meaningful.’ I am thankful that God enabled me to go and observe culture, challenge my perspective on missions, and learn about the identity He has placed over me.”

– Zoe, International Block participant