This is the day that the Lord has made...

Early in the morning, we sing our song to thee....

Breakfast at the same time as always, but the team, dressed in their Sunday best, was in no hurry!
We left for church an hour later, and drove for half an hour, before we reached the small, simple building of the Presbyteran Church.

The minister was serving in another mission congregation,but a teacher, welcomed us warmly, while we sat down in the pews. We joined a  small congregation, of about 60 members
A spanish speaking community,so she had to translate whatever was being announced.
We sang our songs of praise, greeted everyone with a hand shake, and after more singing and Bible reading, all children left for their Bible instruction lesson!
In our group, Henny told her "David and Goliath" story to these children, and had them write down, the text, where David spoke to Goliath.
Words of great trust, where he showed his faith in the Lord!
We joined the congregation again, and after singing and the blessing, we left for lunch and coffee!

I haven't said too much about the way, the principal of the school, together with her mother and sisters, every lunch and dinner time, comes down. They bring a terrific meal, prepared at home, and served to us in the school, or in "our hotel".
The variety an the presentation of the food, is wonderful, and the team eats the meals with gusto! 
Today, as a real treat, we also get a piece of lemonpie!

We now leave for the hotel, anb enjoy a time of rest, whereafter some of us go for a walk along the promenade.
This is Corozal for the tourists, and also the locals enjoy the breeze and the coolness of the water!

We board our van again, and this time are greeted by the minister!
Songs of praise, in spanish as well in english, we sing,together with a youthgroup struggling with the pronunciation.We feel at home with these brothers and sisters.

The bible portion is being read, taking turns in reading a  verse by the minister...,the congregation in spanish. ..and the canadians, in english!

It is late in the afternoon, mosquito time, here in Belize.
They arrive in swarms, and soon. while the Word is being preached the slapping  and killing of the pests, can be heard.throughout the building!!
We have prepared ourselves, and are not too much bothered by it.
The minister talks about temptation, and a translator, does an impressive job, by bringing it across to us!
More singing, the collection, announcements, and the blessing!
Just like it is done at home.
We bid our frewell and feel blessed and honoured, to be allowed to have shared this day with other Christians.for we all know, 
"In Christ, their is no East or West, in Him no North or South......
One world is in His Word "
Not being allowed to walk in the dark, because of the many wild dogs in the van we go and enjoy another good meal in the home of the school principal!!

"I will lift your Name on high


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